(971)303-3747 Eangor01@gmail.com

LANGEA strongly supports the House language in the FY16 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that provides veterans’ status to all members of National Guard and Reserve that have served 20 years, regardless of status.  Currently, the Veterans Code, Title 38, excludes from the definition of “veteran” career reservists who have not served on Title 10 active duty for other than training purposes.  Title 32 drill training, annual training, vital day-to-day support operations, and emergency response to terrorism and natural disasters under Chapter 502(f) are currently not considered qualifying service for Veteran status.

  • Veterans status legislation would be cost neutral by not awarding any other veterans benefit
  • Reserve component members who served twenty years standing ready to be sent anywhere in the world, but through no fault of their own were never deployed could refer to themselves as veterans
  • Requiring Title 10 active duty for other than training purposes service to acquire veteran status disrespects and ignores often dangerous Title 32 active duty service in support of the homeland
  • A double standard should not exist that denies veterans status to the reserve component  for 20 years of honorable domestic service, but awards veterans status and full benefits to active duty soldiers who serve shorter term Title 10 active duty tours
  • Authorizing veteran status for career RC service would boost the morale of the RC members and their families

Please contact your representatives and Senators and urge them to support the House language in the NDAA conference.

Take Action

LANGEA Point of Contact:
Trent Taylor