(971)303-3747 Eangor01@gmail.com

This survey being conducted so our National Military Leaders can be informed on your thoughts and concerns regarding the developing discussion around more training days for the Reserve Components and the future in general of the US Armed Forces.

The National Guard Company Grade Committee has meetings in November with the Chief of NGB, and Directors of the Army and Air Guard.  This survey and the views it generates will be important to these leaders, and they are directly listening to our National Guard Committee on these topics.

Please take the survey and then pass this link and purpose out to all Soldiers and Airmen you know.  Use your company distros, Unit Facebook pages, etc to get the message out about this opportunity to express our views for the future of our Force Structure.  We are looking for 2,000-5,000 responses and we need your help.  The National Commission on the Future of the Army, Adjutant Generals from around the Nation and these National Leaders are all listening to and look for what we can bring to the table.

The survey only takes a few minutes.


Take the Survey