(971)303-3747 Eangor01@gmail.com

On Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 10:30 AM ET, Scott Bousum, EANGUS Legislative Director will testify before the House Armed Services Committee’s Military Personnel Subcommittee during the “Stakeholder Perspectives on Military Healthcare” hearing. Representative of the Military Officers Association (MOAA) and the National Military Families Association (NMFA) will also testify. Click here to watch the hearing via webcast. To access all witness testimony, please click here (testimony will be available at the start of the hearing). This is first in a series of Healthcare specific discussions organized by the Armed Services Committees leading into 2016, when Congress is set to tackle military Healthcare reform. Scott plans to address continuity of care issues facing members of the Guard and their families. Excerpt from Scott’s opening statement:


Though the focus of today’s discussion does not include National Guard duty status reform, but we suggest that the type of health care coverage members receive should be separated from whether or not they are on active or inactive duty military orders. Servicemembers and their families should have one health care program regardless of duty status. Separating the two would fix the continuity of care issue creating problems for members of the Guard and their families.


To help Scott prepare for this ongoing discussion, please complete our Healthcare survey. EANGUS, in conjunction with the Reserve Officers Association and NGAUS, crafted a survey to ensure the voices of the Reserve Component are heard. Please follow this link to the EANGUS homepage and fill out the TRICARE Reserve: Access and Quality of Healthcare survey.