(971)303-3747 Eangor01@gmail.com

FY18 Budget

On Tuesday, May 23, the Administration released its Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) budget to Congress. Already, Congressional leaders from both parties have expressed displeasure with the budget proposal. Republican leaders do not feel that the Department of Defense (DOD) is funded to the appropriate level considering current global threats and the lack of military spending from the last Administration. Democrats clamored that the budget strips important spending from non-defense agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Education to name a few. The budget includes a 2.1 percent pay increase for Servicemembers, coming in lower than Defense Hawks anticipated. The EANGUS National Office staff are optimistic that by the end of the year, Congress will increase the overall Defense Budget and will raise pay by more than 2.1 percent.

EANGUS Pens Letter of Support for S. 1086

EANGUS National Office Executive Director, Frank Yoakum issued a letter of support to Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) in support of S. 1086 which aims to remove the prohibition on eligibility for TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) of Reserve Component (RC) servicemembers who are federal employees and who therefor must enroll in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan (FEHBP). Expanding TRS coverage to this population would solve a continuity of care issue created when the Servicemember deploys and has to change health care coverage and find a new provider. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that, if signed into law, S. 1086 would save the Federal Government money. S. 1086 is in need of a co-sponsor and the EANGUS National Office staff are working with the Senator’s office to identify a supporter. Be on the lookout for additional information on this issue – to include an EANGUS Legislative Call to Action – in the coming weeks.

RC-focused Tax Reform Legislation

EANGUS, NGAUS, and ROA seek tax reform to benefit Reserve Component (RC) members. Each organization penned a letter to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee. Highlighted in the letters of support are separate pieces of legislation pertaining to: decrease from 100 miles to 50 miles the distance a RC Servicemember travels for training to deduct travel, food, and lodging expenses from their taxes; contributing $18,000 to military (blended retirement system) and civilian retirement accounts; providing a tax credit for employers who hire and retain RC servicemembers. The coalition asks that the Committees consider the legislation in its broader tax reform effort or separately as a RC-focused tax reform bill.

G-RAP Update

Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) agents are aggressively pursuing Army Guard members who have any connection to the former Guard Recruiting Assistance Program (G-RAP) including former Recruiting Assistants and full-time Recruiting and Retention Non-commissioned Officers (NCO). Recently, the New York Times and the Washington Times published separate articles outlining the gregarious and outrageous apprehensions and interrogations of Guard members. In almost all cases, the members were found innocent of any wrongdoing, but they were reported to criminal databases as being felons. This can have a huge effect on their current and future employment, their families, and their lives. EANGUS is fully engaged on this, with more to follow soon. If you are contacted by Army CID, do not talk to them—contact EANGUS for legal referral.

RC-focused Mental Health Seminar

On Tuesday, June 20, EANGUS, NGAUS, and ROA will host a Reserve Component (RC) -focused mental health seminar in Washington, D.C. Guest speakers will included representatives from OSD, the Services, and elected officials. Topics for discussion include creating a pilot program to embed mental health professionals within a Guard unit and comparing strengths and weaknesses of AC and RC mental health treatment/approaches. Additional details can be found on EANGUS.org as we draw closer to the event and speakers are confirmed.