EANGOR members here are some tools to help you find and write to your Oregon Legislators.
This website shows you both the senate and house district maps.
These websites lists your Senators and Representatives by district and gives you their email and mailing addresses.
Here is a sample email that you can use/edit/copy/paste, to write to your Oregon legislator. We need to act and come together as an association and right this wrong. Help me out.
Dear (Senator/Representative),
I am a member of EANGOR, the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Oregon. The association represents the needs of the Enlisted Soldiers and Airmen of the Oregon National Guard which is over 6000 strong.
I would like to address an huge inequity in Oregon. Oregon National Guardsmen have no educational benefits as compared to other states. Here is a website that shows this inequity. We are the WORST in the nation for these benefits, and yet our National Guardsmen are some of the best in the world. They have demonstrated it over and over again.
Soldiers and Airmen love Oregon with all their heart and soul. We have volunteered to join the National Guard and place their State and Nation above their personal needs. You saw evidence of this during the fire season this summer, and many other emergencies throughout the years. We put their lives on hold in order to protect the citizens of Oregon. We believe that the state of Oregon should institute education benefits to show Guardsmen the Oregon appreciates that sacrifice. It is a small price to pay for the protection we provide our citizens. Frankly, we think it is a travesty for our great State to be at the bottom of the pack.
If legislation comes up this year for education benefits for educational benefits, we hope we can count on your support.
Even better if the legislation started in your office.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss at anytime.
Your Name
Your contact information