(971)303-3747 Eangor01@gmail.com
The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) represents the interests of over 400,000 men and women in the Army and air National Guard, Veterans, and family members, and we are happy to bring you real-time information to what’s going on inside the Beltway.  In our podcast we discuss relevant policy issues, answer your questions, and interview today’s leaders in government.
On March 15, 2019, Daniel and Scott reconvened to update EANGUS members on the Legislative Workshop, the President’s Budget Request, and top button items. Daniel and Scott discussed the introduction of suicide prevention bills in both chambers, The CARE for Reservists Act in the Senate, and the Vets Center Eligibility Expansion Act in the House. They provide an update on The TRICARE Reserve Select Improvement Act legislation that is gaining support in the Senate and House due to EANGUS member engagement during the Workshop in February. The podcast concludes with an update on how our 1st social media campaign hit 10,000 views.