(971)303-3747 Eangor01@gmail.com


The name of this Association is “Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Oregon” (“ASSOCIATION”).

Article II – Object

The object of the ASSOCIATION is to promote and maintain adequate national security and to promote and advance the status, welfare, and professionalism of the enlisted members of the National Guard of Oregon.

Article III – Membership
Section 1. Classes of Membership in the ASSOCIATION:

Associate: This class is open to all individuals not otherwise qualified for membership Corporate Partners: Levels for corporate partners are Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum

Section 2. Qualifications and Requirements for Membership Classes: Membership is open to anyone who is serving in, has served in, or who desires to support the Oregon National Guard.

2.1. Categories of Membership:
2.1. Full Member. A Full Member is any member who has or is currently serving in the Oregon National

Guard. A Full Member has all voting rights.

2.2. Associate Member: An Associate member is a person not otherwise qualified for Full membership. An Associate member may not be an accredited state delegate, hold office or be entitled to vote.

2.3. Corporate Partners: Upon application, payment of the prescribed dues, and approval of the Executive Council of the Association; organizations with a common interest in the goals and objectives of the association may join as a corporate partners. Corporate partners may not be entitled to representation.

Section 3. Dues:
3.1. The dues required for membership in the ASSOCIATION for Full and Associate Members are:

3.1.1. Annual dues rates will be established by a 2/3rds vote of the EANGOR Executive Council prior to the Annual Meeting and will become effective January 1st of the following year. Annual dues may not increase by more than 25% of the previous year unless changed by a majority vote of the members present an annual meeting of the full membership. Continued membership is contingent upon being up- to-date on membership dues. Dues changes will be announced by the Treasurer at the annual meeting and at the beginning of each year.

3.1.2. Life – Life membership shall be made available to those members who shall so elect. The fee shall be payment of ten (10) years of the annual dues rate, regardless of age.

3.2. Corporate – Dues will be established by the EANGOR Executive Council at the beginning of each fiscal year.

Article IV – Officers
Section 1. Titles: The Officers of the ASSOCIATION are:

Air Vice President
Army Vice President Immediate Past President Secretary
Section 2. Duties and Powers:

2.1. President:

2.1.1. A member ex-officio of all committees except the Committee on Nominations.

2.1.2. Direct the affairs of the ASSOCIATION in accordance with the policies Adopted in General or Special Conference of the ASSOCIATION.

2.1.3. Appoint all committees and designate the chairperson and vice chairperson of each, except for the Committee on Nominations. All appointments are subject to confirmation by the Executive Council.

2.1.4. Issue a call for a State Conference and, when directed to do so by the Executive Council, issue the call for a Special Conference of the ASSOCIATION and make the necessary arrangements for such conferences.

2.1.5. With the approval of the Executive Council, direct the operations of the ASSOCIATION. 2.1.6. Render an annual report to the ASSOCIATION.

2.1.7. Perform other duties as prescribed by the Bylaws or assigned by the Executive Council and other duties usually performed by the President of an organization.

2.1.8. The President may incur such incidental expenses as may be necessary for operation of the ASSOCIATION within limits set by the Executive Council.

2.1.9. The President may sign, with the Executive Director of the ASSOCIATION, deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments which the Executive Council has authorized, except in the case where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Executive Council or by these Bylaws to some other officer or agent of the ASSOCIATION, or shall by law to be otherwise signed or executed.

2.1.10. Appoint special staff officers (i.e., Chaplain, Parliamentarian, and Sergeant-at-Arms) incidental to the conduct of General Conferences and Special Conferences.

2.1.11. Prepare annually and present to the Committee on Finance a proposed budget consisting of an itemized statement of estimated revenues and anticipated proposed expenditures no later than ninety (90) days prior to the beginning of the next State Conference

2.2. Vice Presidents (Army and Air):

2.2.1. The Vice Presidents are members of the Executive Council and shall:

2.2.2. Perform the duties usually performed by the Vice President of an organization and such duties as may be prescribed by the Bylaws or assigned by the President of the ASSOCIATION.

2.2.3. Assume the office, title and prerequisites of the President on the event of the termination, resignation or removal from office of that officer and serve the unexpired portion of tenure in office.

2.2.4 A Vice President of this Association, as directed by the President of this Association, shall exercise all the powers, authority and duties of the President of this Association, in his absence or inability to act; and shall perform such other duties as directed by the Executive Council of this Association.

2.3. Immediate Past President: The Immediate Past President is a member of the Executive Council. Unless elected thereto under procedures prescribed in the Bylaws of the ASSOCIATION, the Immediate Past President may not succeed to any other office by reason of absence, incapacity, death, resignation, or removal from office of such other officer.

2.4. Secretary: The Secretary will:
2.4.1. Perform the duties usually performed by the Secretary of an organization.

2.4.2. Be the recording officer of the ASSOCIATION. 2.4.3. Be responsible for the records of the ASSOCIATION.

2.5. Treasurer: The Treasurer of this Association shall: 2.5.1. Receive and disburse all monies of this Association,

2.5.2. Be subject to bonding, with good and sufficient surety, in an amount to be determined by the Executive Council of this Association, and such bond shall be paid from the funds of this Association.

2.5.3. Prepare the Annual Budget of this Association; and present it to the Executive Council of this Association for review; and submission to the voting Member of this Association, for approval at the Annual State Conference and/or Conference of this Association.

2.5.4 Receive, receipt for and be custodian of all funds of any nature whatsoever due the ASSOCIATION and such contributions as may be made to it and deposit the same in the name of the ASSOCIATION in a bank, banks or trust company, or companies to be designated by the Executive Council.

2.5.5. Ensure that all bills and claims of the ASSOCIATION are paid and shall render to the President and Executive Council, at its regular meetings, or when the Executive Council so requires, an account of all such transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the ASSOCIATION.

2.5.6. Ensure that there be an annual audit of the books and finances of the ASSOCIATION by a certified Public Accountant and report thereof submitted by the Treasurer to the Executive Council at its regular meetings.

2.5.7. Make an annual report of finances to the annual conference.

2.5.8. Furnish such bond as may be required by the Executive Council, the premium of which will be paid from funds of the ASSOCIATION.

Section 3. Elections:

The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of the ASSOCIATION shall be elected biennially, by majority vote, of the General Conference of the ASSOCIATION. To maintain Board stability, beginning at the 2020 State Conference, the President and Vice President positions will be elected at the General Conference of the ASSOCIATION on even-numbered years and the Secretary and Treasurer will be elected on odd-numbered years. At the 2020 State Conference, the Secretary and Treasurer positions will be elected to serve until the 2021 State Conference, where a new election will be held to fill these positions to begin serving two-year terms thereafter. In the event that a nominee for an office of the ASSOCIATION fails to receive a majority, the succeeding votes shall be taken on the two nominees who receive the highest number on the first vote.

Section 4. Tenure:

4.1. The President, Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer of the ASSOCIATION shall be installed in office on the last day of the State Conference by which they are elected.

4.2. The Immediate Past President of the ASSOCIATION shall be installed in office on the day the successor to the office of President is qualified and installed in that office.

Section 5. Termination of Tenure:

An officer may be removed from office by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Council, or by two- thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates at a special or general conference for sufficient cause.

Article V – Executive Director and Executive Assistant

Section 1. Executive Director

1.1. As the Executive Council determines necessary, and upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Council, it may hire an Executive Director to maintain daily operations and act on behalf of the Executive Council.

1.2. The Executive Director shall be an official representative of the ASSOCIATION in dealing with other organizations and/or businesses and perform other duties as are performed by the Executive Director of an organization and as may be prescribed by the Bylaws or assigned by the President of the ASSOCIATION.

1.3. The salary for this position will be negotiated annually or by contract and approved by a majority vote of the Executive Council in accordance with provisions of the Executive Director’s contract.

Section 2. Executive Assistant

2.1. As the Executive Council determines necessary, and upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Council, it may hire an Executive Assistant to maintain daily operations on behalf of the Executive Council.

2.2 The hourly wage for this position will be negotiated by contract and approved by a majority vote of the Executive Council.

Article VI – Conferences
Section 1. State Conferences:
A General Conference of the ASSOCIATION shall be convened annually. The Annual Conference of this Association shall be held each year, at a site determined by Executive Council. The purpose of these Annual Conferences will be as follows:

To receive reports from the Officers and Committee Chairman of this Association.

To elect Officers of this Association, every other year, or as positions become vacant in accordance with Article IV – Officers.

To discuss matters of importance to the Membership of this Association and the Oregon National Guard.

Section 2. Quorum:

Those voting members in attendance at any Annual Conference, Special Meeting and/or Conference of this Association shall be considered a quorum.

Article VII – Executive Council
Section 1. The Executive Council of the ASSOCIATION consists of: 1.1. The Administrative Officers of the ASSOCIATION.

1.2. President, one (1) Army Vice President, one (1) Air Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary and Treasure.

Section 2. Duties and Powers: The Executive Council shall:

2.1. Have general supervision of the affairs of the ASSOCIATION between State Conferences.

2.2. In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Council, a successor to the vacant office to serve the unexpired period of tenure will be appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Council.

2.3. Appoint the Chairman of the Committee on Nominations.

2.4. Convene:

2.4.1. At the call of the President of the ASSOCIATION.

2.4.2. Upon written demand signed by a majority of the members thereof, and communicated to each member of the Executive Council.

2.4.3. The President is authorized to convene Executive Council meetings by means of teleconference, video teleconference, web conference or other electronic means available.

2.5. Consider the Annual budget for the ASSOCIATION as recommended to it by the Treasurer, revise, amend, or modify it as needed and approve the budget. This approval will authorize the expenditure of funds, only in the manner and proportion set forth in the budget.

2.5.1. Consider amendments to the budget, or portions thereof, as requested in advance by the officer or chairman responsible for that particular portion of the budget.

2.5.2. Investigate instances where the approved budget was exceeded to determine if the ASSOCIATION will assume responsibility for the expense and whether any disciplinary actions or civil actions will be taken against the officer or chairman responsible for the overspending.

2.5.3. Sponsorship: The President, Vice-President-Army and Vice President-Air shall each be allocated $1,000 each calendar year for sponsorship of Oregon National Guard units’ request for financial support for unit parties, awards banquets and military balls. These sponsorship allocations do not require additional approval from the Executive Board. Sponsorship in addition to these allocations will require a majority vote of the Executive Board at the next meeting of the Executive Board, prior to awarding to the requesting unit. The Board Member approving the sponsorship request will provide the Treasurer with the Payee’s name and mailing address as well as a summary report of what the ASSOCIATION received for the donation within 30 days of the event.

Section 3. Elections:

Officers of the ASSOCIATION, other than the Immediate Past

President, are members of the Executive Council by virtue of election as an officer of the ASSOCIATION.

Article VIII – Committees
Section 1. Committees:
The Executive Council may establish Special Committees by a majority vote of the Executive Council or a majority vote of Full Members at an annual or special meeting

Article IX – Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition, shall govern the ASSOCIATION in all cases to which they are applicable except were modified by:

1. The By-Laws of the Association.
2. Standing or Special Rules established by a State or Special Conference.

Article X –Voting
Section 1. General:
1.1. Except as otherwise provided by these Bylaws, the method of voting shall be by a General or Special Conference or conference committee of the ASSOCIATION as determined by the presiding officer or chairperson thereof.

1.2. Voting may be by proxy in accordance with the maximum number of delegates authorized the state as presented in writing to the Credentials and Rules Committee by the authorized delegates and as approved by the Credential and Rules Committee.

Section 2. State and Special Conferences:

2.1. At a State or Special Conference of the ASSOCIATION, the voting body consists of:

2.1.1. Each accredited member.

2.1.2. Each member of the Executive Council.

2.1.3. Each member of the voting body shall, when actually present, be entitled to one (1) vote on each matter voted upon by the Conference.

2.1.4. Voting shall be, as directed by the executive committee, accomplished by a show of hand or by secret ballot at the Annual Conference.

Article XI – Fiscal
Section 1. Fiscal Year:
The Fiscal Year of the ASSOCIATION commences on January 1 and ends on December 31.

Section 2. Audit:

A thorough review of the records and finances of the ASSOCIATION, by direction of the Executive Council of the ASSOCIATION, shall be conducted biennially by a third party who shall transmit same to the Secretary at the next General Conference.

Section 3. Expenditures:

3.1. The budget, once approved by the Executive Council, authorizes the ASSOCIATION to expend funds to the limits in each budget account.

3.1.1. If an account has to exceed its approved limit, the officer or chairman responsible for the account must request approval for additional funds from the Executive Council prior to the ASSOCIATION becoming liable for the expense. Failure to do so may result in the officer or chairman being removed in accordance with ASSOCIATION Bylaws and may include civil action.

3.1.2. Changes in the expenditure side of the budget must be presented as amendments to the budget, meaning that once a budget is approved, it cannot be exceeded. The only method of spending beyond a previously approved budget amount is through a budget amendment, voted on and approved by the Executive Council Once approved by the Executive Council, bills, claims and expenditures of the ASSOCIATION shall be:

3.2. Certified by the President or Executive Director of the ASSOCIATION.

3.3. Paid by warrant drawn of the funds of the ASSOCIATION and executed by any of the following: President

Vice President Treasurer
Secretary Executive Director Executive Assistant

3.4. Position bonds shall be furnished by the ASSOCIATION for the Treasurer and any other officers who handle funds of the ASSOCIATION. The amount of such bonds shall be determined by the Executive Council and the cost paid by the ASSOCIATION.

Section 4
4. Contracts:
4.1. In accordance with Article VII – Executive Council, Section 2. Duties and Powers, item 2.1: The Executive Council shall have general supervision of the affairs of the ASSOCIATION between General Conferences, and in keeping with good management practices, all contracts shall be presented to the Executive Council, and considered for action.

4.2. Proposed contracts will be provided to the Executive Council within ten (10) calendar days, in order for review, formal presentation, motion for consideration, discussion, and a vote before they may be executed on the part of the ASSOCIATION.

Article XII – War or National Emergency
Section 1. When Article Invoked:
1.1 This Article may be invoked by majority of the Executive Council of the ASSOCIATION in the event of:

1.1.1. War.

1.1.2. National Emergency

1.1.3. Proclaimed by the Governor of Oregon or President of the United States.

1.2. This Article when invoked, shall take precedence over any conflicting provision of the Bylaws of the ASSOCIATION.

Section 2. Tenure and Filling Vacancies:

On and after the date of invocation of this Article, subject to the provisions of Article IV, Section 4, of these Bylaws, the tenure in office of each officer of the ASSOCIATION is, if so determined by a majority vote of the Executive Council of the ASSOCIATION, extended for the duration of the war or National Emergency and for six (6) months thereafter or until the Executive Council, by majority vote determines that this Article shall no longer remain in effect. In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Council, other than an administrative officer of the ASSOCIATION, the Executive Council shall elect thereto, by majority vote, a member of the ASSOCIATION from the appropriate EANGUS Area to serve the unexpired period of tenure. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President of the ASSOCIATION and there is, at that time, no Vice President of the ASSOCIATION to succeed thereto, the Executive Council shall elect to the office of President, by majority vote, a member of the existing Executive Council. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer of the ASSOCIATION, the Executive Council shall elect to that office by majority vote, a member of the ASSOCIATION. A member of the Executive Council elected to be an officer of the ASSOCIATION vacates his original seat on the Executive Council; and The Executive Council may suspend the operation of any provisions of Article VI and/or VIII of the Bylaws.

Section 1. By Two-Thirds Vote:
These Bylaws may be amended at a General or Special Conference of the ASSOCIATION by a two- thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates present. An amendment may be proposed by a member of the ASSOCIATION and shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the ASSOCIATION at least ninety (90) days prior to the date set for the convening of the General Conference at which the proposed amendment is to be considered. The Secretary shall provide copies of the proposed amendment(s) to the Executive Council and the President not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date set for the convening of each Conference. After Committee consideration, the Executive Council shall render a report to such conference, with such recommendations concerning the proposed amendment as the Committee may see fit.

Section 2. By Unanimous Vote:

These Bylaws may be amended at a State or Special Conference of the ASSOCIATION by a unanimous vote without prior notice provided the Committee on Bylaws has reviewed the proposed amendment(s) and made its recommendation to the ASSOCIATION.

Section 3. Effective Date:

Unless otherwise provided, an amendment of the Bylaws shall be effective upon the adjournment sine die of the State or Special Conference which adopted it.

These bylaws were approved at the Annual Conferences by a two thirds majority vote of the full

membership on November 14, 2020.

Secretary: Brittney Arellano-Zavala (Signed copy in document library)