Our mission is to both promote and support State and National security, advance the status, welfare and professionalism all members, and to support activities and programs that benefit all Oregon National Guard members at the State and National level.

Message from Auxiliary President Myers
Podcast – 04 Jan 2018
Podcast - 04JAN2018 Legislative Directors Daniel Elkins and Scott Bousum discuss wide ranging topics including continuity of healthcare, Reserve Component duty status, VA healthcare costs, and education benefits.
Drill Weekend Talking Points: December 2017
Drill Weekend Talking Points: December 2017 Fiscal Year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act Before Thanksgiving, Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and it is on its way to the President for signature. The final version of the...
Podcast – 28 Nov 2017
Podcast - 28 NOV 2017 Content: Defense Appropriations Warfighter Transition Department of Education Negotiator Update Technician and Title 5 Conversions Special: 1SG Robbie Martin, LANGEA Chairman Legislative & State Presidents Workshop: February 4-6, 2018 ...
EANYNG and EANGUS Lifetime Member becomes NYNG SEL
Re-Post from DVIDShub.net story by Eric Durr: LATHAM, N.Y.--Command Chief Master Sgt. Amy Giaquinto, was the first woman to serve as Command Chief of the New York Air National Guard’s 5,800 members when she took on that job in 2016. Now she’s got two more firsts to...
Pentagon Plans Changes to Post-9/11 GI Bill Transferability
Re-Posted from Military.com | 20 Nov 2017 | by Amy Bushatz A rule allowing troops to transfer their post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to their children or spouse may soon see changes, a Defense Department official said in testimony submitted to lawmakers last week. "The...
EANGUS New Patriot – Fall 2017
Fall 2017 Edition Features: Area Information Enlisted Spotlight Washington Watch Disaster Relief From Our Corporate Partners: CTU, Recruit Military, Cadence Premier Helpful Resources
AUSA Benefit for EANGUS Members
As part of our continuous commitment to the strength of EANGUS, we are thrilled to announce EANGUS’s expanded relationship with the Association of the United States Army (AUSA). AUSA will provide us with its considerable expertise in conference management to increase...
EANGUS has a podcast!
Providing news and updates from the national headquarters of EANGUS, this podcast keeps you up-to-date on legislation, services, and events from Washington, D.C. Click here to listen on iTunes, or download on iTunes store.
Podcast – 30 Oct 2017
October 30, 2017 Episode