(971)303-3747 Eangor01@gmail.com

EANGUS Legislative Call to Action 2017-04

Legislative Call to Action 2017-04 The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to consider H.R. 3218 the “Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017” during the week of July 24.. Last week, the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs (HVAC)...
June 2017 Drill Weekend Talking Points

June 2017 Drill Weekend Talking Points

Legislative FY18 Budget On Tuesday, May 23, the Administration released its Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) budget to Congress. Already, Congressional leaders from both parties have expressed displeasure with the budget proposal. Republican leaders do not feel that the Department of...
Drill Weekend Talking Points: April 2017

Drill Weekend Talking Points: April 2017

Legislative Drill Weekend Talking Points: April 2017 2017 House NGRCC Breakfast On Wednesday, March 8, The House of Representatives’ National Guard and Reserve Component Caucus held its annual breakfast in the Rayburn House Office Building. Caucus Co-Chairs Representative Steven...