(971)303-3747 Eangor01@gmail.com


Our mission is to both promote and support State and National security, advance the status, welfare and professionalism all members, and to support activities and programs that benefit all Oregon National Guard members at the State and National level.

National Conference

National Conference in Reno, NV

August 11th – 14th, 2025

Annual Business Meeting

Anderson Readiness Center

Salem, OR


Scholarships will OPEN 12/1/2024

CMSAF Wright’s Video message on resiliency

CMSAF Wright’s Video message on resiliency

The Pentagon's Defense Suicide Prevention Office released some troubling statistics recently in their fourth-quarter suicide report for CY 2018. A total of 325 active-duty service members died by their hand in 2018, surpassing the previously recorded number of 321 in...

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EANGUS New Patriot – Spring 2019 Edition

EANGUS New Patriot – Spring 2019 Edition

Spring 2019 Edition Features President's Communique Junior Enlisted Corner Washington Watch 48TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE  FEATURED STORY: ARMY COMBAT FITNESS TEST Top 10 Tips to Beat the Heat OP ED: It has never been clearer that America's Army needs the National Guard......

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At our National Office, we are working almost daily with TRICARE about current and future needs for you, our members. We’d love to hear from you. Do you have any issues with TRICARE? Do you want help solving them? Is there something you’d like to see changed in...

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Overview The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) represents the interests of over 400,000 men and women in the Army and air National Guard, Veterans, and family members, and we are happy to bring you real-time information to what’s...

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Overview The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) represents the interests of over 400,000 men and women in the Army and air National Guard, Veterans, and family members, and we are happy to bring you real-time information to what's...

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EANGUS Legislative Call to Action 2019-2

EANGUS Legislative Call to Action 2019-2

EANGUS Legislative Call to Action 2019-2:  Military Student Identifier ISSUE: With the 2015 adoption of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA– Public Law 114-95), military-connected students are now recognized as a distinct subgroup. The ESSA stipulates that the new...

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PODCAST  15 March 2019

PODCAST 15 March 2019

Overview The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) represents the interests of over 400,000 men and women in the Army and air National Guard, Veterans, and family members, and we are happy to bring you real-time information to what's...

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EANGUS New Patriot – Winter 2019 Edition

EANGUS New Patriot – Winter 2019 Edition

Winter 2019 Edition Features: Washington Watch  Legislative Workshop Membership Drive Past President Garritson Higher Education Patriot Quarters Questions, comments, or contributions: editor@eangus.org For Conference information:  exhibitor@eangus.org To advertise:...

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